What is the Banded Gastric Sleeve surgery?
The laparoscopic Banded Gastric Sleeve surgery in Egypt is one of the latest findings of bariatric surgeries in the world. It is the surgery in which a ring or band is placed around the sleeved stomach. This is to prevent it from expanding again and thus avoid a major problem that has appeared in some obese patients after bariatric operations, which is the return in weight again after the operation.
Banded Gastric Sleeve... An amazing result in weight loss without long-term stretching of the stomach:
Some cases of obese patients had discovered a return of weight after the operation, and although this percentage is low, it did not exceed 5-7% of the total cases, but it is a problem that confused the medical community and began to research it until they find the best solution for it.
In this article, we will discuss the causes that may cause an expansion of the stomach again after bariatric surgery.
Thanks to the amazing medical development, especially in the field of bariatric surgery, the solution has been discovered to ensure that the stomach will not stretch and therefore does not return in weight again even on the long run. This solution involves placing a ring or band around the sleeved stomach and of course this ring is made of an inert substance that does not interact with the body and does not fully affect its functions.
Consequently, the laparoscopic Banded Gastric Sleeve results in a dramatic drop in weight to the ideal weight, without the possibility of long-term gastric expansion.
What is the function of the band used in the banded gastric sleeve?
This band has two functions:
1- It prevents gastric dilation after the operation and regulates the movement of food inside the stomach so that there is no pressure in the stomach causing it to stretch.
2- When the patient eats more food than he needs, this band presses on a particular nerve in the stomach, which in turn sends signals to the brain to make the patient feel full. He stops eating.
What are the causes of gastric stretching after bariatric surgery?
Of course, bariatric surgery with an experienced and competent doctor is not followed by a dilation of the stomach or a return of weight after the operation. However, some obese patients have had this dilation for the following reasons:
1- The doctor's incompetence in getting rid of the stomach fundus completely. It is the part of the stomach responsible for its dilation.
2- The patient's eager for eating large amounts of food even after the stage of satiety.
3- The wrong choice of the type of bariatric surgery from the beginning. And its lack of relevance to the patient's condition and eating habits.
The right choice of the type of bariatric surgery... The cornerstone of its success:
An important step in the success of bariatric surgery is the right choice of the type of operation from the beginning. In order to avoid the failure of the process and failure to achieve its objectives. For example:
1- Gastric sleeve surgery is not suitable for lovers of sweets and sugars, it will not achieve the desired result. The most appropriate process is the gastric bypass surgery.
2- Gastric sleeve surgery is not suitable for type 2 diabetics. The most appropriate is gastric bypass for diabetes.
3- Gastric sleeve surgery is not suitable for patients with esophageal reflux and hiatal hernia, the most appropriate is gastric bypass surgery.
Dr. Osama Khalil therefore emphasizes the need to choose an efficient and experienced surgeon. Talk to him extensively before the procedure, and tell him about your health history and eating habits.
To learn more about the need to choose the right operation, click here for a video by Dr. Osama Khalil.
4 Advantages of banded gastric sleeve:
1- The operation is done by laparoscope which achieves for the obese patient many advantages, the most important of which is the lack of pain, the speed of the recovery period and the cosmetic form.
2- The operation ensures that the stomach is not stretched and therefore does not return to weight after the operation even on long run.
3- The banded gastric sleeve achieves excellent results in weight loss.
4- You will get rid from the complications of obesity like the rest of the bariatric processes. These complications include many diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, high cholesterol, bone and joint diseases, etc.
Who's the team in the bariatric surgery room?
The medical team in the bariatric surgery room consists of:
-Bariatric surgeon.
-2 Assistant Bariatric surgeon.
-Camera man.
-A team of nurses and workers.
Does the rate of weight loss varies between gastric sleeve, gastric bypass and banded gastric sleeve?
Scientific studies and patient experiences have shown that the rate of weight loss is similar in the different bariatric surgeries. Provided that the surgeon chooses the right procedure and the right operation for the patient's condition as we have already said.
Close your ears to the rumors and open them to the experts:
Many and many rumors cause anxiety and fear in obese patients who are going to bariatric surgery. Dr. Osama Khalil's advice to you dear reader is to close your ears to these rumors and listen only to experts and modern practical studies, which were created for your convenience.
Keep away from gastric stapling surgery:
Gastric stapling is a process that has been completely eliminated from bariatric surgeries globally. This is because of its multiple complBanded gastric sleeve, saves you from heart diseases associated with obesity:ications and its failure to achieve the desired results. It is also an open surgery procedure which exposes the patient to many problems and complications that can be easily avoided by modern laparoscopic bariatric surgery. Laparoscope has been used in bariatric surgeries and many general surgeries for many years.
What is the appropriate age for a banded gastric sleeve operation?
THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO) has determined that the right age for bariatric surgeries in general is from 16-65 years.
With the need to inform your bariatric surgeon about your full history and your eating habits.
Banded gastric sleeve, saves you from heart diseases associated with obesity:
The heart organ is the most affected one from the complications of obesity. Obesity affects it negatively without clear symptoms until it suddenly worsens.
38-40% of sudden deaths were detected, caused by obesity and associated heart disease.
Therefore, Dr. Osama Khalil advises obese patients not to postpone the decision to lose weight in any way possible to maintain their health and enjoy life.